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Andrea VillalÓn


About Andrea

Andrea Villalón was born in Uruapan Michoacán in 1995. Graduated from the National School of Painting, Sculpture and Engraving “La Esmeralda” of a Bachelor in Plastics and Visual Arts. Her body of artistic work focuses on the exploration of self-portrait, sadness, and everyday life with media such as photography, painting, text, and sculpture. For Andea, the domestic space is the expansion of a mental space, a space-time of one's own. Her work has something very graphic and presents a nostalgic and reflective speech based on the artist's personal experiences. She evokes a sense of intimacy that occurs inside the home, often portrayed in a very surreal and witty manner.  


"I think of my paintings as movie scenes in which I am a character. I am interested in doing an exercise of self- knowledge through them, which can function as a time capsule that refects the objects that surround me, the people that accompany me, and the real or mental circumstances in which I live. The scenes are like a journal in which I sublimate myself. I like to think that there is something universal in what I represent, that the symbolical meaning of my work does not speak only of me but also of my generation."

Andrea Villalon.

Selected Works

Exhibitions with CA

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